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As a micro framework Flask does not have built-in cache functionality, however, there is werkzeug cache API and an excellent extension to provide its caching functionality to your Flask apps, that extension was created by @thadeusb and is very easy to implement and use.


安装 (installing)

In your env install it via PyPI (recommended)


pip install Flask-Cache  pip install Flask-Cache

You can also install it directly from source code if you need recent changes or bugfixes


配置中 (Configuring)

There is a set of configuration keys you can put in your app settings, but the most important is the cache backend defined by the CACHE_TYPE key.


The cache type resolves to an import string which needs to be an object implementing the werkzeug cache api, but there is some aliases to the werkzeug.contrib.cache implementations


By default the CACHE_TYPE is Null which means that your app will have no cache, so you need to choose of the options below:


  • null | No Cache – NullCache
  • simple | Will use in memory pickle and is recommended only for single process development server
  • memcached | Requires pylibmc or memcached and requires memcached configuration in settings
  • redis | Requires redis, werkzeug 0.7 and redis configuration in settings
  • filesystem | The same as simple but stores the pickle in a cache_dir
  • gaememcached | For Google AppEngine
  • saslmemcached | The same as memcached but for SASL – pylibmc required
  • | 无缓存-NullCache
  • 简单 将用在内存泡菜中,建议仅用于单进程开发服务器
  • memcached | 需要pylibmc或memcached,并且需要在设置中进行memcached配置
  • redis | 在设置中需要redis,werkzeug 0.7和redis配置
  • 文件系统 | 与简单相同,但是将泡菜存储在cache_dir中
  • gaememcached | 对于Google AppEngine
  • saslmemcached | 与memcached相同,但用于SASL –需要pylibmc

Full options and config variables are in


一个简单的Flask应用 (A Simple Flask app)

a file named app.py


import timefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")def view():    return time.ctime()if __name__ == "__main__":    app.run(port=5000, debug=True, host='')import timefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")def view():    return time.ctime()if __name__ == "__main__":    app.run(port=5000, debug=True, host='')

Run the above with python app.py and open in your browser and hit F5 (refresh) to see the current date and time.

使用python app.py运行以上python app.py然后在浏览器中打开 ,然后按F5(刷新)以查看当前日期和时间。

为视图启用Flask-Cache (Enabling Flask-Cache for views)

Now we want to enable caching on that small application to avoid the refresh of the current time (for this example we are using current time as return but imagine that it could be a large dataset or huge calculations)


a file named cached_app.py


Run the above with python cached_app.py and open in your browser and hit F5 (refresh) to see that the current date and time is now cached for 5 minutes.

使用python cached_app.py运行以上python cached_app.py然后在浏览器中打开 ,然后按F5(刷新)以查看当前日期和时间已被缓存5分钟。

@cache.cached decorator takes the request.path for that view and use this as cache key, if for any reason you need a different key you can pass a key_prefix argument to the decorator. In this case if you pass a key_prefix containing the %s placeholder it will be replaced by the current request.path

@ cache.cached装饰器采用该视图的request.path并将其用作缓存键,如果出于任何原因需要其他键,则可以将key_prefix参数传递给装饰器。 在这种情况下,如果您传递包含%s占位符的key_prefix,它将被当前的request.path替换。

The above is the simplest and regular example of Flask app and the use of cache, but, if your app is designed using application factories, blueprints, class based views or views located in different modules you will need to use advanced approach.


缓存常规功能 (Caching regular functions)

The same cached decorator can be used to cache regular functions, but in this case you will need to specify the key_prefix argument, otherwise it will use the request.path which can lead to conflicts if you have many cached functions.


For this example we are going to use the this module and extract a random quote from the Zen of Python.


A file named cached_function_app.py


import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransfrom flask.ext.cache import Cachefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)app.config['CACHE_TYPE'] = 'simple'app.cache = Cache(app)@app.cache.cached(timeout=10, key_prefix="current_time")def get_current_time():    return time.ctime()def random_zen_quote():    """Pick a random quote from the Zen of Python"""     transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values()))    return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])@app.route("/")def zen():    return """    
  • It is cached: {cached}
  • It is not cached: {not_cached}
""".format( cached=get_current_time(), not_cached=random_zen_quote() )if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True, port=5000, host='')import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransfrom flask.ext.cache import Cachefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)app.config['CACHE_TYPE'] = 'simple'app.cache = Cache(app)@app.cache.cached(timeout=10, key_prefix="current_time")def get_current_time(): return time.ctime()def random_zen_quote(): """Pick a random quote from the Zen of Python""" transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values())) return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])@app.route("/")def zen(): return """
  • It is cached: {cached}
  • It is not cached: {not_cached}
""".format( cached=get_current_time(), not_cached=random_zen_quote() )if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True, port=5000, host='')

Now running python cached_function_app.py and opening when hitting F5 to refresh you will see the current time cached for 5 minutes and the random quote updated, you can switch the cache just to see the efect.

现在运行python cached_function_app.py并在按F5刷新时打开 ,您将看到当前时间已缓存5分钟,并且随机报价已更新,您可以切换缓存以查看效果。

NOTE: Because we are importing the this module for the example, you will see the Zen quotes in your flask terminal, but there is no problem with this.


缓存模块化视图 (Caching modular views)

Now an example when you have your app splitted in two or more files for better organization


in a folder called app put 3 files__init__.py, app.py and views.py

在名为app的文件夹中,放入3个文件__init__.py . app.pyapp.pyviews.py

app/__init__.py is an empty file




import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransdef get_current_time():    return time.ctime()def random_zen_quote():    transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values()))    return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])def zen_view():    return """    

Cached for 10 seconds!

  • {time}
  • {quote}
""".format( time=get_current_time(), quote=random_zen_quote() )import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransdef get_current_time(): return time.ctime()def random_zen_quote(): transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values())) return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])def zen_view(): return """

Cached for 10 seconds!

  • {time}
  • {quote}
""".format( time=get_current_time(), quote=random_zen_quote() )

as you can see the above file defined view functions, as it it a separated file, to avoid circular imports we are not recommended to use @app.route neither @app.cache so this views will be app agnostic and we are going to register its url rules and caching in the main app file.

你可以看到定义视图功能上面的文件,因为它是一个分离的文件,避免循环进口,我们不建议使用@ app.route既不@ app.cache所以这个观点将是应用无关的 ,我们要登记其网址规则和缓存在主应用程序文件中。

That kind of structure is needed when your app has too many views and want a better organization.


NOTE: For better organization the mostly recommended pattern is Blueprints which I will explain further.




Now in the main app we need to import our views, explicitly decorate for caching and also register its urls.


NOTE: You can also separate the cache instance in a different file for lazy initialization as we are going to see in the next example


缓存蓝图视图 (Caching Blueprint views)

As mentioned before, the best pattern to follow in Flask applications is the Blueprint pattern which is a way to create separated ‘meta-apps’ that will be connected to your main application in the time of initialization, the problem here is that Blueprints are meant to be reusable by many different applications, so the delegation of cache control should be dynamized.


In order to avoid circular imports you will want to create your cache instance separate from your application instance (you may want to consider switching to the app factory module if you are building something more complex).


Create a folder called blueprint_app with the following structure


cached_blueprint_app/├── app.py├── cache.py├── blueprints│   ├── __init__.py│   └── zen_blueprint.py└── __init__.pycached_blueprint_app/├── app.py├── cache.py├── blueprints│   ├── __init__.py│   └── zen_blueprint.py└── __init__.py

The cache.py


we can create a dummy lazy cache instance, that will be initialized in the future when the view will be called. For that in the app we are going to reimport the same cache instance and call init_app method.

我们可以创建一个虚拟的惰性缓存实例,该实例将在以后调用视图时进行初始化。 为此,在应用程序中,我们将重新导入相同的缓存实例并调用init_app方法。

The basic blueprints/zen_blueprint.py


import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransfrom flask import Blueprintfrom cache import cachezen = Blueprint('zen', __name__)def get_current_time():    return time.ctime()def random_zen_quote():    transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values()))    return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])@zen.route("/")@cache.cached(timeout=20)def zen_view():    return """    

Cached for 20 seconds!

  • {time}
  • {quote}
""".format( time=get_current_time(), quote=random_zen_quote() )import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransfrom flask import Blueprintfrom cache import cachezen = Blueprint('zen', __name__)def get_current_time(): return time.ctime()def random_zen_quote(): transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values())) return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])@zen.route("/")@cache.cached(timeout=20)def zen_view(): return """

Cached for 20 seconds!

  • {time}
  • {quote}
""".format( time=get_current_time(), quote=random_zen_quote() )

NOTE: In a real application you will want to modularize it separating the views, helpers etc and promoting your blueprint to a Python package.


The main app.py


Notice that we created a dummy instance of cache in cache.py and then used that instance to decorate the blueprints views, then the cache was initialized in app.py with init_app method. That is possible because of the Flask initialization cycle and the excellent implementation in Flask-Cache extension that takes care of this case, if you plan to write yor own Flask extension take a look at the Flask-Cache source code.

请注意,我们在cache.py创建了一个缓存的虚拟实例,然后使用该实例来装饰蓝图视图,然后使用init_app方法在app.py中初始化了缓存。 由于Flask的初始化周期以及在这种情况下Flask-Cache扩展中出色的实现,使得这种情况成为可能,如果您打算编写自己的Flask扩展,请查看Flask-Cache源代码。

Run the application by calling python cached_blueprint_app/app.py and open to see the blueprint view cached for 20 seconds.

通过调用python cached_blueprint_app/app.py运行应用程序,然后打开以查看缓存了20秒的蓝图视图。

缓存方法视图 (Caching MethodView)

Lets use the same cached_blueprint_app example but turning the zen_view in to a MethodView


Change your zen_blueprint.py to:


import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransfrom flask import Blueprintfrom flask.views import MethodViewfrom cache import cachezen = Blueprint('zen', __name__)class ZenView(MethodView):    @cache.cached(30)    def get(self):        return """        

Cached for 30 seconds!

  • {time}
  • {quote}
""".format( time=self.get_current_time(), quote=self.random_zen_quote() ) @staticmethod def get_current_time(): return time.ctime() @staticmethod def random_zen_quote(): transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values())) return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])zen.add_url_rule("/", view_func=ZenView.as_view('zen'))import timeimport randomfrom this import s, dfrom string import translate, maketransfrom flask import Blueprintfrom flask.views import MethodViewfrom cache import cachezen = Blueprint('zen', __name__)class ZenView(MethodView): @cache.cached(30) def get(self): return """

Cached for 30 seconds!

  • {time}
  • {quote}
""".format( time=self.get_current_time(), quote=self.random_zen_quote() ) @staticmethod def get_current_time(): return time.ctime() @staticmethod def random_zen_quote(): transtable = maketrans("".join(d.keys()), "".join(d.values())) return random.choice(translate(s, transtable).split("n")[2:])zen.add_url_rule("/", view_func=ZenView.as_view('zen'))

Method views maps HTTP method names as GET, POST, DELETE to the view methos as get, post, delete etc, So all we needed to do is to create a method called get and decorate it with @cache.cached decorator.


NOTE: Due to the implicit self from the caller’s perspective you cannot use regular view decorators on the individual methods of the view however, Flask-Cache is one exception because its implementation allow the use of cached decorator in individual methods. Keep this in mind.

注意:由于从调用者的角度而言隐式的自我,您不能在视图的各个方法上使用常规视图装饰器,但是Flask-Cache是​​一个例外,因为其实现允许在各个方法中使用缓存的装饰器。 请记住这一点。

Alternativelly you may want to cache all the methods in a view, for that you can cache the dispatch_request method or even better you can decorate the whole view.


缓存调度程序 (Caching the dispatcher)
缓存整个视图(推荐) (Caching the whole view (recommended))
zen = Blueprint('zen', __name__)class ZenView(MethodView):    ...cached_zen_view = cache.cached(timeout=50)(ZenView.as_view('zen'))zen.add_url_rule("/", view_func=cached_zen_view)zen = Blueprint('zen', __name__)class ZenView(MethodView):    ...cached_zen_view = cache.cached(timeout=50)(ZenView.as_view('zen'))zen.add_url_rule("/", view_func=cached_zen_view)

缓存模板块 (Caching template blocks)

Flask cache comes with a template tag able to cache template blocks, lets change our ZenView to use a Jinja2 template


in zen_blueprint.py


Now we need to create a template file in cached_blueprint_app/templates/zen.html


Random Zen of Python


Random Zen of Python


Running the application with python cached_blueprint_app/app.py and opening you will see a random quote refreshed every time you push F5, lets cache it for 30 second.

使用python cached_blueprint_app/app.py运行应用程序并打开您每次按下F5都会看到刷新的随机报价,将其缓存30秒。

Change the zen.html template


Now save the file and refresh to see the content cached for 30 seconds.


使用备忘录装饰器缓存具有变体参数的函数和视图 (Caching functions and views with variant arguments using memoize decorator)

Sometimes yout views and functions receives arguments which can come from url mapping or directly to the function call, yiou may want to cache the view or funtion and use the arguments as keys to cache its different results, Flask-Cache has a different decorator for doing that.


NOTE: With functions that do not receive arguments, cached() and memoize() are effectively the same.


Now with a simple application memoize_app.py


import timefrom flask.ext.cache import Cachefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)app.config['CACHE_TYPE'] = 'simple'app.cache = Cache(app)@app.cache.memoize(timeout=5)def get_current_time_and_name(name):    return "%s - %s" % (name, time.ctime())@app.route("/
")def view(name): return get_current_time_and_name(name)if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True, port=5000, host='')import timefrom flask.ext.cache import Cachefrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)app.config['CACHE_TYPE'] = 'simple'app.cache = Cache(app)@app.cache.memoize(timeout=5)def get_current_time_and_name(name): return "%s - %s" % (name, time.ctime())@app.route("/
")def view(name): return get_current_time_and_name(name)if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True, port=5000, host='')

Now run python memoize_app.py and open and note that the function will be cached for each different name you pass as argument in the url.

现在运行python memoize_app.py并打开 ,请注意,该函数将针对您作为url中的参数传递的每个不同名称进行缓存。

缓存任意对象 (Caching arbitrary objects)

There are some times when decorators cannot be used and you need to explicitly set or get some thing on the cache.


Inside a view or a blueprint you can use current_app


Or if using a separete cache instance you can do this directly


from cache import cachedef function():    cached = cache.get('a_key')    if cached:        return cached    result = do_some_stuff()    cache.set('a_key', result, timeout=300)    return resultfrom cache import cachedef function():    cached = cache.get('a_key')    if cached:        return cached    result = do_some_stuff()    cache.set('a_key', result, timeout=300)    return result

清除缓存 (Clearing the cache)

You can create a script to clear the cache, or a function to use it when needed


WARNING: Some backend implementation do not support completely clearing the case. Also, if you’re not using key prefix, some implementation (e.g. Redis) will flush the whole database. Make sure you’re not storing any other data in your caching database.

警告:某些后端实现不支持完全清除大小写。 另外,如果您不使用键前缀,则某些实现(例如Redis)将刷新整个数据库。 确保您没有在缓存数据库中存储任何其他数据。



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